Founded by Canadian need-greaters in Quito, Ecuador, Ministry Ideaz is a family-owned business that offers meeting supplies and ministry support tools to Jehovah’s Witnesses via an online marketplace, as well as a retail outlet in Wallkill, New York. While initially dealing exclusively in leather book and Bible covers, Ministry Ideaz today offers a wide range of materials to its buyers, including the following items that support Witnesses during weekly Kingdom Hall meetings and Bible study;
1. Vinyl covers for Jesus - The Way, The Truth, The Life books. The retailer’s clear vinyl covers allow individuals to protect this paperback book from damage and keep them in good condition. Covers are available in standard clear vinyl and clear vinyl with colored trim for a decorative touch.
2. Jehovah’s Witness meeting notebooks: Available in both English and Spanish, these spiral-bound notebooks are the ideal place to record personal insights and lessons learned during Public Talks. Also included within its pages are a 2017-2018 calendar, as well as a back pocket to hold the Watchtower publication.
3. Ministry Essentials value pack: This unique product includes seven different items, including tract and magazine holders, a stylus/highlighter/pen combo tool, sticky notes for not-at-home and return visits, and eight assorted bookmarks.