With a diverse range of products from music and videos to briefcases, Ministry Ideaz provides items designed to support members of the Jehovah's Witnesses community, assisting them worldwide in their preaching work.
For 2022, our beloved brothers have chosen the most encouraging Scripture for the situation we live in, which is beautifully illustrated on the cover of the 2022 JW Pocket Agenda: "Those seeking Jehovah will lack nothing good." - Psalm 34:10.
We made this theocratic multi-purpose monthly 2022 JW daytimer planner specially for pioneers and publishers for everyday use, and it has lots of features. Ministry Ideaz offers each beautiful book with a full-color cover, premium-quality paper and a quality binding with an ultraviolet coating. We've designed each agenda as a resource for Jehovah’s Witnesses across the globe to be able to keep track of field service, circuit overseer visits, assemblies as well as special preaching campaigns and service days during stat holidays.
For more information on the agenda and other products, visit MinistryIdeaz.com/Agenda.
JW 2022 AGENDA on youtube:
Read more here: 2022 JW Agenda for Jehovah's Witnesses