Ministry Ideaz is a family-owned organization based in South America that distributes handcrafted ministry supplies to Jehovah’s Witnesses through an online storefront that serves customers in both the US and Canada. In business for over a decade, Ministry Ideaz offers products designed for use in Circuit Assemblies such as kids’ fun Assembly Activity Books for the 2018-2019 events.
Activity books help young children and adolescents retain information delivered during Assembly talks through colorful illustrations, engaging activities, and areas for notetaking. Designed for children ages 4 to 14, the book contains brief activities for every talk of the “Be Strong!” and “Be Bold!” Circuit Assemblies. One side features “Be Strong!” activities, and users can flip the book over to access materials for the other Assembly. The book’s spiral binding enables it to lie flat while in use for ease in turning pages.
The 38-page book features a glossy UV finish, and the pages are wide-ruled and made from 75-gram quality paper.