Ministry Ideaz is owned and operated by Jehovah's Witnesses focused on providing essential supplies and tools for those in the faith. Available products offered by Ministry Ideaz include custom leather items designed to help with organization and teaching during field ministry and service trips as well as custom assembly notebooks for the 2023 circuit assemblies of Jehovah's Witnesses.

Our Favorite Features of the 2023 Circuit Assembly Note Book:
- Talk themes each printed on a separate page - two pages for most talks
- Designed for the "Friends of Peace" and "Jehovah’s United Family" Circuit Assemblies
- Spiral-bound
- About the same dimension as a Watchtower magazine
- Classy UV glossy finish; 68 pages, wide ruled, on bond 75 gram quality paper
The "Friends of Peace" and "Jehovah’s United Family" Circuit Assembly Spiral Journal has a professional feel, softcover, and quality paper. The note book will fit well in any Ministry Ideaz bag or any regular-sized briefcase for taking to the assembly. It comes complete with the circuit assembly programs inside the covers and a UV glossy finish. Since this Circuit assembly journal is spiral-bound, you can easily fold the pages back and behind, as you complete them.
To purchase a notebook, visit .
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Cuadernos asamblea TJ En espanol